Cooperation for Reduced Food Waste (Samarbete för minskat matsvinn)

PACE Partner IVL is contributing to the following Calls to Action from the Circular Economy Action Agenda for Food

4. Better understand hotspots of food loss and waste 

6. Increase investment in food loss and waste reduction 



The Cooperation for Reduced Food Waste is a Swedish voluntary agreement between food value chain actors to collaborate with a shared goal of reducing food waste and food loss. They work together to identify where food waste and food losses occur and what causes them. In this way, the problems can be remedied and the solutions spread to more actors. 



The project objective is reached within three working groups, all currently operative: (1) the first focuses on finding a mutual way to measure food waste and losses from the whole food chain, and collecting data from all project members, (2) the second group aims to set measurable targets for the sector, and (3) the third group collectively look at mitigation measures to reduce food waste and losses based on research and results from the data collection within the project.  


In June 2021, the first Annual Report has been published. Members will continue to submit the measurements to evaluate the method and a handbook for reducing food waste and loss in the private sector will be published.  



IVL, Arla, Norrmejerier, Orkla Foods Sverige, LRF, Menigo, Jordbruksverket (Agriculture Ministry), Livsmedelsverket (Swedish Food Agency), Compass Group, Martin & Severa, Linas Matkasse, Coop, Paulig, Potatisodlarna (Potato Growers Association=, Svenska Köttforetagen (Swedish Meat Industry Association), Naturvårdsverket (Swedish Environment Ministry=, Visita, Sodexo, Livsmedelsföretagen (Food Industry Association), COOR, Kronfågel