Global Future Council on Japan - Food working group

PACE Partners the Center for Global Commons and the World Economic Forum are contributing to the following Calls to Action from the Circular Economy Action Agenda for Food:

1. Enable transitions to planetary health diets 

2. Scale productive and regenerative agriculture practices 



The Global Future Council on Japan brought together a multi-stakeholder expert group to formulate a new vision and path for Japan’s sustainable transition. In its 2020-2021 term, the Council will focus on two working groups: (1) Food and (2) Circular Economy. 

The Food working group aims at identifying the key ingredient to move forward the food industry's circular transition, including the entire value chain, in Japan and the Asian region, together with in-country partners. 



Its objectives are: (1) Policy suggestion, pointing out top priority domestic issues, (2) Dissemination to the international community and (3) creating opportunities for accelerating Public-Private partnership or inter-corporate collaboration. 



Center for Global Commons – University of Tokyo and the World Economic Forum 

In-country partners