Nutrient Upcycling Alliance (NUA) 

Nutrient Upcycling Alliance (NUA) 


PACE Partners Yara International and Veolia are contributing to the following Calls to Action from the Calls to Action from the Circular Economy Action Agenda for Food

7. Reframe wasted food and byproducts as valuable resources 

4. Better understand hotspots of food loss and waste 

2. Scale productive and regenerative agriculture practices 



The Nutrient Upcycling Alliance (NUA) is a business-driven alliance of food value chain players to implement and promote the redesign of the whole value chain for nutrient upcycling in the agriculture and food sector. It aims to develop new business models for a circular agriculture by establishing nutrient recycling models for high quality fertilizer products. Through regenerative agriculture practices, unavoidable food waste is valorized, nutrient loop is closed, farmers’ profitability is increased in the transition, and Veolia’s subsidiary, Sede Angibaud’s expertise in the organic fertilizers with Yara’s knowledge in the market is also integrated. 



The NUA objectives are to increase yields, product quality, and reduce the environmental impact of agricultural practices. The NUA is being piloted in London to demonstrate the profitability and replicability of nutrient upcycling. The pilot monitors and quantifies the positive impact of circularity and regenerative agricultural practices as natural climate solutions. 



Yara International, Veolia (PACE Partners)