Oceans Plastic Charter

This Action aligns to the following Calls to Action from the Circular Economy Action Agenda for Plastics

2. Incentivize and support product design for reuse and recycling of plastics 

6. Set-up functioning collection systems 



Canada spearheaded the Ocean Plastics Charter during its 2018 G7 Presidency. The Charter takes a comprehensive lifecycle approach to address plastic pollution and waste, and lays the groundwork to ensure that plastics are designed for reuse and recycling, in order to protect the environment and keep a valuable resource in the economy. To date, 26 governments and over 70 businesses and other organizations have endorsed the Charter. In support of broader international efforts, the Charter is aligned with the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda and specifically commitments to achieve sustainable consumption and production (SDG 12) and the conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources (SDG 14).  



The signatories of the Charter commit to take action toward a resource-efficient lifecycle management approach to plastics in the economy by: 

  • Sustainable design, production and after-use markets 
  • Collection, management and other systems and infrastructure 
  • Sustainable lifestyles and education 
  • Research, innovation and new technologies 
  • Coastal and shoreline action 

To advance the goals of the Charter, the Government of Canada is investing $100 million to support improved waste management in developing countries. Moreover, in order to foster collaboration between all Charter endorsees, share best practices and help turn commitments to action, it is exploring hosting high-level events for Charter endorsees at major international events in 2021. 



The Government of Canada, the Netherlands, Chile, Costa Rica, Peru & Rwanda, the European Union, Coca-Cola Company and Unilever

See the full list of partners here