Rethinking Plastics – Circular Economy Solutions to Marine Litter

This Action aligns with the following Calls to Action from the Circular Economy Action Agenda for Plastics 

2. Incentivize and support product design for reuse and recycling of plastics 

5. Guide and support news business models for environmental, financial, and social triple-win 



Rethinking Plastics aims to reduce plastic waste leakage into the sea. Its activities and pilot projects cover the management of plastic waste, sustainable consumption and production of plastic as well as the reduction of litter from sea-based sources. More than 20 pilot projects in China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam will test new approaches or up-scale best practices. Knowledge exchange is fostered through policy dialogues, workshops and conferences, webinars and communication campaigns.



The goal is to accelerate the EU/Japan policy and business dialogue on possible collaboration to create circularity in the market of plastics. For this purpose, Rethinking Plastics is working on a Policy Report on comparative analysis of the EU and Japan policy approaches to circular economy, plastics, and green public procurement. Currently, there are two ongoing policy and business dialogues on these topics. 



IGES, European Union (EU), German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), GIZ and Expertise France