European Plastics Pact

This Action aligns with the following Calls to Action from the Circular Economy Action Agenda for Plastics 

2. Incentivize and support product design for reuse and recycling of plastics 

1. Agree which plastics can be eliminated and prepare the market to phase them out 



The European Plastic Pact is a public-private coalition – initiated by the Netherlands and France – that brings together governments and frontrunners from across the whole plastics value chain. They work together towards four goals aimed at (1) design for reusability and recyclability, (2) responsible use of plastics, (3) recycling capacity and (4) the use of recycled content. The Pact supports this work by offering a unique platform to exchange ideas, display good practices and discuss challenges, needed to build a new circular default for all to follow. The Pact runs till 2025. 

This regional Plastic Pact is a part of the New Plastics Economy Initiative from the Ellen McArthur Foundation, of which the Plastics Pact Network is one of the elements to its approach. 



The pact has released the results of the first projects in the working groups and the first monitoring exercise. In the next months, its structural governance, including the finance mechanism, will be defined and it will achieve the roadmap outcome of identifying an agreed list of prioritized problematic and unnecessary items to be eliminated by Pact members. 



The Government of the Netherlands, WRAP, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation

See the full list of signatories here 

See the other Global Plastics Pacts here